12. Client relationships – How do you manage them?

The relationship with a client has to be supported by trust coupled with mutual respect.  Accounting touches on several aspects of a Company and continued support to make critical decisions is pivotal for mutual successes.

If the relationship frequently is about money, doing the wrong things repetitively without a solution or questions go unanswered it is time to terminate a client.

I worked at a large regional firm that began with 2 co-founders, we had several developmental brainstorming sessions when a new tax code was released.  Take-away, they frequently said a component of their successes was based on firing the bad clients.

If you work for a firm, obviously this is difficult to do because partners rarely ever fire a client; unless you work for the firm that I worked for and now a large national firm.  Net is, you have to do the right thing and not all relationships work for one reason or another.  Life is too sort to be in bad company (pun intended).

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